
Easy Cleaning Tips For Different Tile Types

Tiles on the floor or walls can improve the appearance of any room, but only if they are clean and shining. Your home will appear filthy if the tiles lose their gloss and become worn out over time. As a result, regular cleaning is necessary to keep your tiles looking their best. Most of us can agree that cleaning dirty tiles is difficult. When it comes to cleaning your tile floors, make sure you use the correct procedure for your tile type, since cleaning materials differ depending on the type of tile.



Cleaning Stone Tiles

Natural stone tiles are distinguished by their distinctive grain patterns, vibrant colours, and tactile textures that range from glossy to rustic in appearance. Marble, granite, limestone, slate, and other porous natural stone tiles require a lot of care and maintenance to preserve their original appearance. And it is also a great idea to make it clean by experts like Ozclean.


Slate tiles

Slate cleaner, light laundry detergent, or mild dish soap can all be used to mop slate floors. Always use a cleaner made specifically for natural stone tiles to clean them. Acidic ingredients should be avoided.


Marble tiles

Do not use acidic cleaners on marble tile. Avoid using brushes with hard bristles or scouring powders on the marble. To keep the gloss and sparkle, use a deep-penetrating sealer.


Granite tiles

Granite tiles should be cleaned using a pH-neutral detergent. The best way to clean granite floors is with warm water and mild dish soap. A strong cleaner may leave stains or discolour the tile.


Cleaning resilient tiles

Made from materials like linoleum, vinyl, cork, and rubber, resilient tiles are a great option if you want a surface that’s easy on the feet and needs minimal maintenance.


Vinyl tiles

While commercial floor cleaners can be used to clean vinyl flooring, make sure the labels say they are vinyl-safe. If not it’s better to mop with a vinyl cleaning solution or vinegar and water. Using an abrasive cleaner or scrubbing equipment on vinyl, you risk scratching it.


Linoleum tiles

Linoleum is a unique material with unique cleaning requirements. Clean the linoleum tiles with a linoleum flooring cleaning solution or a solution of water and Borax detergent. Rinse well and allow the floor to dry. Apply a coat of wax to your linoleum floors to protect them.


Cleaning Cement Tiles

Cement tiles come in a variety of vibrant colours and bold traditional motifs, giving your home’s interior an ethnic feel. Cement, on the other hand, is porous, making it susceptible to staining and absorbing liquid spills. Cement tiles should be mopped with a soapy solution or a light cleanser regularly. To keep the original look of cement tiles, two coats of penetrating sealer should be applied regularly. Don’t use acid-based cleaning solutions because they can wear away the sealant layer and ruin the tile surface.


Porcelain, ceramic, and vitrified tiles

Porcelain, ceramic, and vitrified tiles are among the most popular and cost-effective tile materials. Instead of using a sponge mop, clean the tiles with mild detergent and clean water. Allowing your glazed tile floors to air dry will result in water spots, so it’s best to dry the floor with a clean, lint-free cloth after mopping it.