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The Top Reasons Why Windows Should Be Cleaned

calander February 03, 2022
calander Admin

The first thing that people notice, is the exterior, especially the windows. You can go about cleaning the interior of your home, make it spotless and make it sparkle like a diamond. But, if you leave out the windows, then it shows that you are not that great when it comes to cleaning fully, as the windows do play an integral role and if you are a property owner, the bad look of the windows can tell the client that the house has not been properly taken care of and you could lose a potential customer before you have started the tour. Why do big skyscrapers and other commercial building clean their huge number of windows on a weekly basis? There are multiple reasons for it and we are going to look at all of them right now.

1. To Protect The Glass

We all know that glass is made up of various layers and various coating goes on top of it to reduce the glare, to block the UV rays, and hat not. Not cleaning them on a regular basis will lead to dust accumulation which in turn leads to the coating being damaged. It will lead to the formation of cracks at first not noticeable, but later develop into deep cracks, which will eventually force you to replace the whole pane. If you live in a place that is prone to dust build-up, then weekly cleaning of all your windows is a must. During the cleaning process, one must make sure that the cleaning solution is one that won’t harm the glass and its protective coating and use a non-abrasive cloth to wipe it.

2. Improve The Air Quality

So you have cleaned the whole house and still, you have allergy symptoms, you still have that blocked nose or constant sneezing. Wondering where the allergens are hiding? They are on your windows. With time, dust builds up, then it turns into grime and becomes the perfect place for all kinds of allergens, bacteria, and viruses to grow especially mould, and mould if allowed to grow will cause breathing issues and other health issues in the long run.

3. Improved Natural Light

Now having a clean window will let in more sunlight and it has got multiple benefits. Firstly it will greatly increase productivity and lift up the mood, then natural light is known to deactivate most of the allergens, and above all the more sunlight that raches inside the warmer it feels, especially during the winter season. The more natural light there is less dependence on artificial light and less eye strain.

4. An Improved View and Value

If all the natural light is blocked, the indoors will look dull and uninspiring and can be the root cause of depression and low productivity. If you are a property owner then cleaning the windows is really important as windows that have cracks and dust buildup is a sign that the place has not been properly taken care of. Now you don’t want to lose a customer even before they take the first step into the property, do you?


Now you know how important it is to keep the windows clean, be it your personal space, your commercial space, or a property you own. Now, when it comes to cleaning the windows it is always a good idea to get the help of professionals as there are a lot of things to keep in mind. The cleaning solution should be one that doesn’t damage the glass in any way, the various kinds of coating shouldn’t be affected during the process, if they are they would start to peel off after some time. The cloth and the other equipment used to clean the windows should be nonabrasive and shouldn’t leave any arks o the glass. The biggest danger with cleaning windows is with regard to height. Working on ladders to clean the windows at your place can turn risky if you don’t know what you are doing and when it comes to skyscrapers and other high-rise buildings professional assistance is a must as there are set protocols to follow before the cleaning process.