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5 Reliable Tricks To Remove Hard Water Stains

calander December 15, 2022
calander Admin

In many areas where excessive water salinity is a problem, hard water stains are also frequent. Salts in water that make it hard and hazardous for domestic surfaces/fixtures include bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulphates of calcium and magnesium. Because these salts are extremely soluble in both surface water and groundwater, your home could have hard water deposits in several areas. Hard water can damage your floors and appliances if you're not careful, so you must get rid of hard water stains. Here are a few efficient methods for getting rid of hard water stains.

Tips to get rid of hard water stains

Baking soda

Hard water stains from marble and tiles can be effortlessly removed with the help of this standard kitchen staple. You can use it on your floor or wall tile because it is a powerful, safe and natural abrasive. Use a brush to apply the paste to the stained areas after combining 1/4 cup baking soda with slightly warm water. Apply this mild mixture over a 12-hour period before wiping away any leftover residue.


Mineral deposits can be broken up and made easier to remove by the acetic acid in white vinegar. Additionally, vinegar is a natural cleaner that is safe to use nearly anywhere in your house, making it a good choice for removing hard water stains. Undiluted vinegar must be sprayed on the afflicted region and left to sit for three to four hours. Wash the residues with warm water after scrubbing with a stiff-bristled brush or scouring pad. Because hard water stains are a common problem in Brisbane, reputed house cleaning services are always ready to help you clean.


Due to its acidity, lime will dissolve the stains from hard water. You have a decreased chance of corroding the stainless steel because it is is milder than vinegar. For this technique, slice a lime in half and rub it all over the stained area. To make sure that all the nooks and crannies are covered, you could also scrub a little with the lime peel. Leave it alone for 30 minutes before washing it with plain water and wiping it down with a dry cloth.

Oxalic acid

An organic substance known as oxalic acid is well known for its ability to remove persistent stains like rust, dirt, and mineral deposits. Combine oxalic acid powder or liquid with six parts warm water. Apply the solution to the troubled area, then wait for the deposits to dissolve. After that, make sure there are no remaining acid residues by washing carefully with water. When handling oxalic acid, use thick rubber gloves and safety goggles. Keep the rooms ventilated as well.

Cream of tartar

Cream of tartar is a mild acid that works perfectly as an alternative to baking soda for cleaning tile stained by hard water. Since cream of tartar doesn't have any abrasive properties, it is a much gentler alternative to baking soda for removing hard water stains off tiles and other surfaces. Simply combine the powder with enough water to produce a paste, then spread it over the stained surfaces for up to 30 minutes. Scrub gently with a brush and rinse thoroughly afterwards.