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Cleaning Tips to Reduce Kitchen Bacteria

calander February 14, 2022
calander Admin

People often think that cleaning is a trivial task. They are mostly the ones who never tried it honestly. A neat and clean home does not come just like that. There needs to be serious planning and execution to make it real.

Cleaning is a gender-neutral job. Anyone with some patience can bring a lot of difference to how their living space looks like. Cleaning needs the right kind of equipment, enough water, proper detergent and chemicals, and a lot of time to work on. The more we spend time, the cleaner our house will be.

But time is one thing that we do not have these days. We cannot spend our weekends cleaning our house alone. If that is the case with you, understand that we are just a call away.

Always rely on cleaning companies who offer trusted and police verified staff. Cleaning companies like Ozclean in Brisbane are available 24×7. With such facilities at hand, it is quite ok to spend your weekend 100% with your family or on outdoor activities, or anything you prefer to do.

Kitchen is important?

While we value the sanity of every room in our house, the kitchen has a special place. Because if we let kitchen go dirty, that is going to have a direct impact on the food we eat. Because that is where it gets cooked. The same goes with restaurants and similar institutions where it is important to serve clean and healthy food. Lack of cleaning can cause food poisoning, which is not a minor issue at all. Certain cases of food poisoning can claim lives and should require immediate medical attention.

How to clean your kitchen without a trace of bacteria?

To solve a problem, we need to understand how it is causing damage to us. We need to find places or items in a regular kitchen that acts are breeding grounds for bacteria. If you are not in a good mood to plan and execute this, always feel free to give us a ring.

Personal Hygiene

Let us not be the carriers of bacteria into our kitchen. Keeping ourselves clean is the first part to fix the kitchen. A clean kitchen is of no use unless we stop bringing germs and dirt inside.


Keep your dishcloth clean and tidy. Make sure that they are not used to clean food spills or other kinds of waste. Replace them or remove them from the kitchen once the dishcloth is no longer clean. Dishcloths often get infested with bacteria became they remain wet for too long without proper drying. The best method to deal with this issue is to let it dry neatly after washing with hot water.

Hand towels

Hand towels also behave the same way as dish clothes due to improper use and handling. Replace them or clean them as often as possible for a clean kitchen.

If you need help with planning and proper handling of clean services, let us know. We have the right kind of chemicals, detergents and processes to handle this.

How to fix the presence of Bacteria?

Use disposable towels

The use of paper towels can help a lot in getting rid of kitchen bacteria. Remember that they are meant to be disposable and keep it that way.

Kitchen sink

The kitchen sink needs proper attention from time to time. The cleaning process should not only clean but properly disinfect the kitchen sink.