5 Very Dirty Things In Your Living Room
For most of us, our living room is a space of comfort. We enjoy it so much that we often forget to be cautious and keep it clean. There are a few things in our living room that are cleaning nightmares
The Couch
The first item is normally the couch or sofa that we use. It will mostly have parts of everything we ate and drank. Unless cleaned regularly, it will cause enough frustration and deem the living room unusable.
Take the cushions out and clean them thoroughly. Use a vacuum cleaner to deal with areas that are difficult to access. Proper nozzles and heads will serve you well in this task.
Remove any cat fur or dog hair and try to treat it with natural airflow and sunlight. Depending on the material, use a proper cleaning solution and wipe clean the couch. They normally are scented and help in fixing the bad smell too. Always read the tags to get a better understanding of the material. If you feel this is too much for you, seek help from a reputed couch cleaning service to ease your burden.
TV Remote
The living room is a common space. We sit together and watch TV, listen to music and play games together. We pass on the remote, eat in between, pass on the game controllers and so on. This hand to hand movement normally causes remotes and game controllers to get dirty. They also become a breeding site for germs and bacteria that come back to our hands causing health concerns. Because we then touch food and consume it, we unknowingly intake bacteria and germs with them.
They also can pass on skin diseases unknowingly from one person to another. Use a disinfectant wipe and clean them at least two times a week.
The Air
It is common that people make use of air conditioning systems and hardly rely on natural airflow or light. The air gets polluted due to the use of items like room fresheners, scented candles etc. While a lot of DIY tips recommend the use of these items to keep the room fresh and smart, these are also made of chemicals. Chemicals like formaldehyde, esters, petroleum distillates etc are not our best friends. When they are too much in the air, it can cause headaches, eye irritations and respiratory problems.
Help yourselves once in 2-3 days with fresh sunlight and clean, natural airflow in your living room.
We can make use of natural air fresheners which are organic and can be prepared at home. Citrus fruits are a great choice when it comes to homemade air treating agents.
Make it a habit not to wear outside shoes in the living room. Because that is going to cause all the dirt and filth to get into the living space and add to its already high level of hygiene scarcity. It is wise to keep them outside and get in with a new set of footwear only for home use. This way both cleanliness and hygiene goals can be met.
For most of us, they are just like our family members. We love and adore them. But do we groom them enough? Pet hair is a big contributor to living room mess. If not properly maintained, pets can also bring in pests like ticks.
Bath them according to suggestions based on a veterinarian and treat them for ticks and other similar irritations.

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