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5 Things At Home About Which You Have A Cleaning Obsession

calander May 14, 2021
calander Admin

Cleaning is important. But understanding the process is also essential. While cleaning, there are a few things to consider. Like, which tool to use, what kind of cleaning solution, how to and how much to apply, the cleaning procedure, precautions etc. We are not supposed to dip every cloth in a detergent solution to clean. Based on what we are trying to clean, from kitchen utensils to vacuum cleaners, there is a proper order to do things.

One common mistake that happens while cleaning is too much cleaning. Even if we follow the right materials, tools and cleaning solution, the cleaning frequency also matters. If we clean them too much

  1. The life span may reduce
  2. The quality of the material might degrade
  3. It looks ugly and gloomy, which is not intended

Let us take a look at a few things we should not be cleaning too much


While carpet cleaning is essential and should be a regular process, understand that it is no hardwood or concrete floor. We should actually never be obsessive about the cleaning process. Carpets, when treated with detergents, will leave some residue no matter how well we try to rinse them off. When we repeat this process too often, we are actually adding spots and stains due to this residue. This is a drawback we have to face in a lot of cases even if we are doing everything right.

It is ok to use a vacuum cleaner to clean the carpets regularly. Make sure that you are using the right attachment. Even with this method, the abrasive nature of the attachment can harm the carpets if we do it too often.

Even dabbing with a damp cloth is effective in removing fresh spills and stains. But make sure that you let the carpet dry properly.


It is one of the favourite types of clothing for a lot of people. While we all adore the looks, comfort and sturdiness it provides, cleaning them has its own challenges. The material is quite different from regular fabrics and needs special attention and care while cleaning.

Most wash machines come with special cleaning cycles for jeans and other denim. But make sure not to overdo it. The detergent residue itself can cause problems to the material if we treat it too many times.

Try to clean it when required and not too many times.

Wooden Furniture

Wood is a very special material. Its strength and durability are excellent. But to maintain the finish and shine, we try many tips and tricks. While some of them are great, like using special wood cleaners, using too much of them will leave the furniture oily in nature. And before it dries, it could also attract dust deposits. This could ruin the polish and can cause patchy spots.

While it is important to use a duster and get the furniture clean at regular intervals, too much of it can cause marks due to the abrasive nature of the brush.


There is no other thing in a household that people are so obsessed with. From shaving cream to soap foam, a lot of things could cloud the shine and finish of a mirror.

In the case of bathroom mirrors, a lot of humidity comes into play. When it is too humid, it could get to the coating in the back ruining the mirror. Frequent cleaning can also contribute to this effect.

Car Exterior

People love shiny cars. And invests a lot in getting it done. But do you know that cleaning too much will affect the waxy coating over the car? This coating is meant to protect the car paint and when there is too much cleaning involved, this waxy coating will disappear. The next time your car paint meets an adverse environment, there will be nothing to stand in between.

It is comparatively easy to get professional help in this matter. Because professional cleaning services in Brisbane know ‘how and when “ to clean. They can even advise you on how to attend to various items between two cleaning assignments.