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6 Tips To Clean Broken Glass Safely

calander January 04, 2023
calander Admin

Glass is a delicate material that can be easily broken by thoughtless mishaps. Hearing glass break is always a cause for concern because even a small piece of broken glass might endanger nearby people's safety. There are a number of steps you must take following the accident to guarantee the security of both people and pets. This is not a task that can be postponed. Undoubtedly, clearing up the large pieces is a simpler task. The challenging thing is all those minute fragments and shards that you might not even notice. Here are some pointers to help you clean it safely. You can also hire expert housecleaning services for a thorough cleaning.

How to clean up glass pieces

Protect yourself

Cleaning experts advise wearing gloves and long pants that protect your knees while working because broken glass is sharp and will pierce your skin. Additionally, put on work gloves and boots or other reinforced gear (NOT rubber gloves, those do not offer protection from sharp broken glass.) Use tongs or forceps to pick up broken glass shards if you don't have gloves.

Clear the area

Move any people, pets, or other objects out of the area if there are any around where the glass has broken. Any doors leading to the vicinity of the cut glass should be shut, and any open openings should be blocked. Check children carefully for injuries and glass fragments adhering to them if the glass broke near where they were present.

Pick up the larger pieces

Pick up the huge glass shards with gloves on. Use kitchen tongs to pick up the glass if you don't have gloves. Never use your bare hands. To dispose of the shards, place them in a bag that has three layers of plastic or thick paper. To avoid unintentional cuts in the trash bin, you can also wrap the glass in many layers of newspaper. Don't get down on your knees to pick up the glass.

Use a damp towel

Fold a couple of paper towel squares, wet them, and then use them to gently press down on the glass fragments. All of the shattered glass should have been attached to the wet paper towel covering your palm. After finishing, carefully throw away the paper towel. The wet paper towel method works amazingly well for securely storing the broken glass pieces for disposal.

Cleaning glass from carpet

When it comes to removing shattered glass from carpeted floors, a specific method must be followed. First, carefully remove from the carpet any glass fragments that are visible using gloves. Next, slowly and carefully clean the carpet. Finally, apply duct tape to the carpet in any spots where you believe glass fragments may still be present. The glass will come out when you remove the tape.

Final clean

Your broom or dustpan's bristles could become covered in glass fragments. Take them outside and give them a thorough rinsing using a garden hose and a bucket. Put the water into a utility drain for disposal. Look to see whether there is any glass embedded in the treads of your shoes. To prevent the glass shards from being tracked throughout the house, remove them using duct tape or paper towels.