Expert cleaning carpet to remove pet urine in Brisbane
calander September 28, 2023
calander Admin

How to Remove Cat & Dog Urine and Does Shampooing Kill Fleas in Carpets?

Keeping carpets clean can be a daunting task, especially for pet owners. Our furry friends bring us joy and companionship, but they also leave stains, odors, and messes that can be a real pain to clean up. We will cover the typical pet-related carpet cleaning issues in this in-depth blog and offer you a variety of solutions to keep your carpets looking and smelling great. This guide will help you, whether you have a playful dog or a mischievous cat.

Remove Cat Urine From Carpet: A Comprehensive Guide

Why cat urine is difficult to remove

Immediate actions to take

Is it possible to clean pet urine with vinegar and baking soda?

Yes, you can mix vinegar and baking soda for cleaning pet urine. This is a popular and effective method, as the vinegar neutralizes the alkaline urine and the baking soda absorbs the moisture and odor. To use this method, mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the affected area and let it sit for 5–10 minutes. Then, sprinkle baking soda over the area and let it sit for another 30–60 minutes. Finally, vacuum up the baking soda and blot the area with a clean towel.

DIY methods for effective cleaning

DIY aficionados, rejoice! Some simple methods can be used to deal with cat urine problems. If the urine has soaked into the carpet padding, you may need to replace it to completely remove the odor. It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide on colored carpets, as it can bleach the fibers. If you must use hydrogen peroxide on a colored carpet, test it in an inconspicuous area first.

Professional solutions and when to consider them

DIY cleaning techniques are not always effective, especially for really bad cat urine stains. For thorough and deep cleaning, think about using professional services like steam cleaning. Stubborn odors can be eliminated by steam cleaning by penetrating the carpet fibers deeply.Wool is delicate and needs special handling to prevent damage, so professional care is frequently advised if you have a wool carpet. Professionals are aware of the specifics of caring for wool carpets.

Addressing the commonality of dog urine on carpets

Professional cleaning tools for removing dog urine from carpet

Act Quickly

The sooner you address the stain, the better your chances of complete removal are. Blot up as much urine as possible using paper towels or a clean cloth.

Use an Enzymatic Cleaner

Enzymatic cleaners are specifically designed to break down the proteins in urine, effectively eliminating both the stain and the odor. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the best results.

Avoid harmful Chemicals

Stay away from harsh chemicals or ammonia-based cleaners, as they can worsen the problem by attracting your dog back to the same spot.

Test in an Inconspicuous Area

Before applying any cleaner to the stained area, test it in a hidden spot on your carpet to ensure it doesn't cause discoloration or damage.

Blot, Don't Rub

Always blot the stain; don't rub it. Rubbing can push the urine deeper into the carpet fibers, making it harder to remove.

Repeat if Necessary

It may take several applications of the enzymatic cleaner to completely eliminate the stain and odor. Be patient and persistent.

When to call professionals and what to expect

OzClean expert applying flea control treatment to a carpet
  • Extensive Damage: If the urine has soaked deep into the carpet pad or subfloor, professionals may need to remove the stain and odor completely.
  • Health Concerns: If your dog has a history of health issues, such as urinary tract infections, it's crucial to hire professionals to ensure thorough disinfection and cleanliness.
  • Professional Equipment: Carpet cleaning professionals have access to specialized equipment and cleaning solutions that can effectively tackle tough stains and odors.
  • Expectations: When hiring professionals, you can expect a thorough assessment of the damage, pre-treatment, cleaning, and post-cleaning inspection to ensure the stain and odor are fully addressed. They may also apply disinfectants if needed.

How Professionals Tackle Pet Urine

Dog urine being cleaned from a Brisbane home’s carpet
  • 1. Assessment: Professionals will assess the extent of the damage, including checking if the urine has penetrated the carpet pad or subfloor.
  • 2. Pre-Treatment: They may pre-treat the stained area with enzyme cleaners to break down the urine molecules and prepare the carpet for cleaning.
  • 3. Carpet Extractor: Carpet extractors are commonly used to deep-clean carpets. These machines apply a cleaning solution and then extract it along with the dissolved contaminants, leaving the carpet cleaner and fresher.
  • 4. Steam Cleaning: Steam cleaning, or hot water extraction, is another effective method used by professionals. It involves injecting hot water and cleaning solution into the carpet and then extracting it, along with dirt and stains.
  • 5. Post-Treatment: After cleaning, professionals may apply a post-treatment to ensure any remaining odors are neutralized and the carpet is left in excellent condition.

What is bond cleaning?

Comparing a dirty carpet with pet urine and a cleaned carpet

Bond cleaning, also known as end-of-lease cleaning or exit cleaning, is a comprehensive cleaning service performed when tenants are moving out of a rental property. It is a crucial step to secure the return of the security deposit, or bond, paid by the tenant at the beginning of the lease. Bond cleaning services are responsible for thoroughly cleaning and restoring the property to its original condition, ensuring it meets the landlord's or property manager's standards.

How Bond Cleaning Services Can Be Tailored for Pet Owners

For pet owners facing the challenge of moving out of a rental property with pets, bond cleaning services can be customized to address specific pet-related concerns:

  • Carpet Disinfectant: Bond cleaning services can include the use of specialized carpet disinfectants that effectively eliminate pet odors and bacteria. This is essential for pet owners to ensure the rental property is left in a clean and sanitary condition.
  • Stain Removal: Pet owners may require specific stain removal services for pet-related accidents on carpets and upholstery. Bond cleaners can use appropriate stain removal techniques and products to address these issues.
  • Odor Neutralization: Pet odors can linger on a property, even after cleaning. Bond cleaning services can employ odor-neutralizing techniques and products to ensure the rental property smells fresh and clean.
  • Upholstery Cleaning: In homes with pets, upholstery can also harbor pet hair and odors. Bond cleaners can include upholstery cleaning as part of their services to ensure all surfaces are pet-friendly.

The Role of Shampooing in Flea Control

Effective flea control methods for carpets by OzClean

While using hot water and cleaning supplies can kill some adult fleas and their larvae, it is not a guaranteed method for total flea eradication. This method temporarily lowers the flea population in your carpets, but it will not affect other parts of your house where fleas might also be present, such as furniture, bedding, or your pets themselves.

In addition, some carpet shampoos might include insecticides that are meant to capture and kill fleas, but their effectiveness varies and they might not completely eradicate all fleas at all stages of their lifecycle. The heat from steam cleaning your carpets with hot water can help reduce the number of fleas if you prefer chemical-free cleaning options. The heat can kill adult fleas and their eggs. It might not, however, completely get rid of all fleas. Include routine maintenance procedures like frequent vacuuming, washing your pet's bedding, and using vet-recommended flea preventatives for your pets to efficiently control fleas. Professional pest control services may be required in cases of severe infestations because they have access to stronger insecticides and can administer targeted treatments throughout your entire home, ensuring more thorough flea eradication.

To maintain a clean carpet, especially for pet owners, it is important to vacuum regularly, spot clean spills and accidents immediately, and have your carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year.