An allergy sufferer vacuuming the carpet to remove allergens
calander September 02, 2023
calander Admin

Combating Allergens: Carpet Cleaning Tips for Allergy Sufferers in Australia

Australians are familiar with the symphony of sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. This comes as the nation struggles with alarming allergy concerns. According to the Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, almost 20 percent of the Australian population has an allergic disease. It is predicted that by 2050, allergic disease patients in Australia will increase by 70 percent to 7.7 million. Yes, the statistics are scary, but what if I told you the problem lies just beneath your feet? Sneezing all day is the most frustrating nightmare for people with allergies. It is especially annoying if your luxurious carpet, on which you spend a lot of money, is the cause of this issue. This blog will delve into Australia's growing allergy concerns and reveal carpet-cleaning tips to help you build an allergen-free space in your house. Prepare to reclaim your comfort and breathe freely!

Understanding Allergens in Carpets

Carpets are warm, relaxing, and, for some, statement pieces. They can, however, be breeding grounds for allergens that cause havoc for allergic people.

  • Dust mites are one of the most common carpet pests. Carpets are an ideal habitat for these microscopic creatures because they thrive in warm, humid environments. Dust mites eat dead skin cells, and their feces contain a strong allergen that triggers allergic reactions. These allergens become airborne when disturbed, such as when walking or vacuuming, causing allergy patients to sneeze, cough, and have watery eyes.
  • Pet dander is another allergen found in carpets. Even if you clean up after your dogs and cats, dander can build up on carpets over time. Pet dander contains tiny skin, fur, or feather particles that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Pet dander proteins can easily become airborne and cause respiratory distress, particularly in people with asthma or allergies to pets.
  • Another allergen found in carpets is pollen. Pollen can enter your home through open windows or doors and settle on carpet fibers. These pollen particles can become airborne as you walk on the carpet, causing allergic reactions in sensitive people. For those with hay fever or seasonal allergies, carpets can become a constant source of discomfort and irritation.
  • Another common allergen is mold, which grows best in moist or humid areas. Your carpet may make an ideal breeding ground for mold and mildew if it has been exposed to moisture, whether from spills or high humidity. These fungi produce spores that are released into the air and can cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems, especially in people allergic to mold.

Proper Carpet Maintenance for Allergy Relief

Professional cleaning services treating a carpet to remove allergens
  • Use a high-quality vacuum cleaner: Spend your money on a vacuum with powerful suction and effective filtration. Look for models made especially for people with allergies, as they often have features like HEPA filters (High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters) that capture small particles and allergens.
  • Vacuum regularly: Vacuuming regularly is necessary for keeping allergens at bay. If possible, vacuum your carpets more frequently, especially in areas with high traffic or if you have pets. As a rule, vacuuming reduces the chance of allergic reactions by avoiding a buildup of dust, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens.
  • Slow and steady motion: Take your time when vacuuming and move the vacuum cleaner slowly over the carpet surface. As a result, allergens embedded deeply within carpet fibers can be lifted and captured through the suction power. Hurried and hasty movements may not provide the vacuum with enough time to remove allergens.

Recommended Frequency of Vacuuming for Allergy Sufferers:

Vacuuming carpets at least twice a week, if not more frequently, is advised for allergy sufferers. By regularly cleaning the carpet, you can help keep allergens like dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores from becoming airborne and triggering allergic reactions. The ideal frequency, however, may change based on personal sensitivities, foot traffic, and other elements. You might vacuum even more frequently if you suffer from severe allergies or live in a place with lots of allergens.

Hypoallergenic Cleaning Products for Carpet Cleaning

HEPA filter vacuum cleaner used for allergen-free carpet cleaning

A cleaning solution specially formulated to reduce allergic reactions is called a hypoallergenic carpet cleaning product. Individuals with allergies, asthma, or sensitivity to common allergens should use these products with caution.

Hypoallergenic carpet cleaning products have the following benefits:

  1. Removal of Allergens: Hypoallergenic cleaning products are made specifically to remove common allergens like dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and mold spores from your carpets. These products remove and break down allergens without causing allergic reactions.
  2. Non-toxic Formulas: Conventional carpet cleaning solutions include harsh chemicals that release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, causing allergic reactions and respiratory irritation. The use of non-toxic elements in hypoallergenic cleaners reduces the risk of exposure to hazardous materials and improves the health of people with allergies, kids, and animals.
  3. Fragrance-Free Options: Cleaning supplies can trigger allergies and sensitivities. The use of natural, mild scents or the absence of fragrances in hypoallergenic carpet cleaners reduces the risk of allergic reactions. This is especially helpful for people with fragrance allergies or sensitivities.
  4. Carpet-Friendly: Hypoallergenic cleaners are carpet-friendly while delivering effective cleaning. They preserve your carpets' quality and looks without harming or fading them.

Steam Cleaning: A Powerful Allergen Remover

Steam cleaner used for hypoallergenic carpet cleaning

For those who suffer from allergies, steam cleaning is an effective way to remove allergens from carpets. Hot water vapor penetrates deep into carpet fibers, effectively breaking down and removing allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and mold spores. Stream's ability to reduce allergens depends on its high temperature. It can destroy bacteria and dust mites, denature proteins that cause allergies, and get rid of tough stains and odors from the carpet. Additionally, since no harsh chemicals are used, steam cleaning is a safer and more sustainable alternative.

Follow these guidelines for safe and effective steam carpet cleaning:

  • To remove loose dirt and debris, vacuum thoroughly before steam cleaning.
  • Test the steam cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of the carpet to ensure it does not cause damage or discoloration.
  • Allow the hot steam to penetrate the fibers and loosen the allergens by moving the steam cleaner slowly over the carpet.
  • Pay close attention to high-traffic areas and stains.
  • Do not oversaturate the carpet because too much moisture can encourage mold growth.
  • Allow the carpet to completely dry after steam cleaning before walking on it or replacing furniture.

More suggestions for allergy-friendly carpets:

  • Wash and groom pets regularly: Carpets can become contaminated with pet dander, a common allergen. Bathe and groom your pets frequently to lessen dander production, which cuts down on allergens. To prevent allergen accumulation, wash bedding frequently.
  • Use Doormats and Adopt a No-Shoe Policy: Place doormats at entrances to capture allergens from shoes, such as pollen and dirt. By enforcing a no-shoes rule, you can lessen the amount of outdoor allergens brought inside, which keeps your carpets clean and allergen-free.
  • Professional Carpet Cleaning: At the very least once a year, consider scheduling professional carpet cleaning. Professional cleaners improve indoor air quality and lessen allergy triggers by using specialized tools and methods to thoroughly extract allergens, dust mites, and debris from carpets.


People who are allergic must maintain a healthy home. Maintaining healthy indoor air quality, allergen reduction via air purifiers and humidity control, and collaboration with experts in allergy management can all significantly reduce symptoms. Finally, clean carpets play a crucial role in reducing allergy symptoms for allergy sufferers in Australia. Vacuuming regularly, using hypoallergenic products, and investing in HEPA-filtered vacuum cleaners are all essential. Using these carpet cleaning tips will help you create a healthier and more comfortable living space free of allergens and irritants. Act now to breathe fresh air!