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calander March 31, 2022
calander Admin

When it comes to cleaning, the main problem is that we attend to what we can, when we have time. While this is the most viable practical approach, a lot of trouble can be avoided if we can organise it the right way. If you observe how professional cleaning companies work, they often make a list of things to do. And get all materials for the task based on it. This is now assigned to a particular staff or a group of staff.

This is a very good approach and saves a lot of time and trouble. We can take some lessons from this approach and try to do the same at home. To be honest, it is very easy when we follow such an approach. If we make a To-Do list first and then plan accordingly, things move much faster and smoother.

Does it actually help?

In most cases, yes. Because having a To-Do list makes sure that we are not missing any tasks. It is common in household cleaning that we often find having very little time to attend to some area during the weekend cleaning process. We can avoid such problems by setting priorities the right way.

Creating a To-Do list

Creating a To-Do list is as challenging as the cleaning process. Because now that we are completely relying on our To-Do list, missing something would actually give rise to more problems than we can imagine. A To-Do list is not something we can attend to at the last moment. We need to get it ready as early as possible and plan accordingly

To-Do Apps

One of the main benefits of using an App is that it never gets lost. Most To-Do apps are capable of storing data in the cloud. So they can be accessed from multiple devices and locations. We can also set reminders, share the list with our spouse or anyone else with proper permission to get all the cleaning materials ready.

My personal favourite is Google Keep which is basically a note-taking application but also provides a lot of features that will help us with this task. It is also a free app with reminders, sharing, and more. Google Keep is available on both Android (Play Store) and Apple (App Store) devices. There are also options like Toodist, Microsoft To-Do, Google Tasks, etc


Using a paper

While this is the simplest way of creating a checklist, it will be hard when we have to strike down certain lines. It might get lost and sharing the list with others or setting reminders etc is missing when compared to To-Do apps.

It is safer to use a notebook than a piece of paper to ensure that it does not get lost or misplaced easily.

Give it time

While most of us tend to create a To-Do list just before the cleaning process, it is very productive if we plan this at least two days before. Because that will help us get all necessary materials, cleaning solutions, refer to DIY techniques, etc based on our To-Do list.

Not a huge one

Try to categorise and prioritise the items on the To-Do list. A long list is always going to confuse everyone involved and will ruin the whole idea of planning beforehand.

We need to trim it to be as precise as possible which will help deal with the process a breeze.

More than one list

Tasks like kitchen cleaning, bathroom cleaning, etc are so demanding that they normally claim a To-Do list of their own. We can also make sub-lists for procuring cleaning tools, detergents, solutions, etc.

Taking professional help

Already feeling confused? Not interested in going through the whole process but enjoy your well-deserved weekend? There is no shame in taking professional help when it is available. Our cleaning service is just a call away. Give us a ring and we will be at your doorstep in no time.