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calander January 22, 2022
calander Admin

The time when all of us, that includes all the people across the globe saw the use of fog disinfection was during the outbreak of covid 19 and we still see it on a regular basis. But what exactly is fogging disinfection? What happens in fog disinfection is that a worker will spray either a room or space with a mist of chemicals. The main goal is to neutralize any air-borne allergens, bacteria, and viruses that can spread via the atmosphere.

Fog cleaning is more prominent in industries, especially the food industry to keep the food items free from air-borne pollutants. Now there are two types of fogging methods, one that is fixed and the second one portable method. In the static method, the fogging equipment will release a spray of chemical mist at regular intervals. In a facility, there will be numerous fogging machines to ensure maximum safety. On the portable method, there is often a healthcare worker wearing a PPE kit carrying a mobile unit with which he/she sprays the designated area for a given period of time. The process lasts anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes and can be done multiple times to increase efficiency.

Use of Fogging Disinfection In Healthcare Facilities

Now, the place that needs fogging disinfection the most and where it is most commonly used is the healthcare field. The healthcare facilities area should be sterilized on a daily basis, as simply cleaning the physical surface is not enough. There are many bacteria viruses and other allergens that stay suspended in the air we breathe. So, if the air is not properly sanitized then it puts everyone that arrives at the hospital at risk. The management must make sure that the cleaning process happens daily and that too multiple times. One must not skip out on this disinfection and sterilization process in the healthcare field.

Disinfecting Workplace and Your Home

Now, the big question is, should you choose the fogging disinfection services for your workspace and home? The answer is, Yes, if you want to stay safe and healthy. No matter how many precautions you take, there is nothing you can do about the air you breathe at your workspace and home. In the case of workspace, there are a lot of people besides you, they reach the office after a commute, maybe sharing bus or car with others and you end up together in a close working environment. Now, they might be perfectly healthy a the moment, but they can be carriers, so effectively using the fogging disinfection service every day for a good 15 to 30 minutes can remove anything that is lingering in the atmosphere and on the clothes, the same goes for your house. Disinfect your house weekly to stay safe. Fogging disinfection is really helpful as it spreads to even the hard-to-reach areas like the ventilation system and places. Not only that, in an office space you are constantly sharing the equipment, be it a keyboard or mouse, with this kind of sterilization you can even clean the equipment and be hundred percent safe. When it comes to home not only does the fogging kill bacteria and viruses, but they are also capable of killing mold, mildew, and fungus that are growing on the wall and upholstery. It is to be kept in mind that this is a disinfection process and not a cleaning process. The cleaning process must be done before the fogging is done to achieve the best results. Fogging disinfection can also be used in places that see a high influx of people like schools, colleges, and shopping malls, and during this time, it is really vital that every facility incorporate this method into their disinfection protocol.


Now having gained knowledge on fogging disinfection, what it is, and the two types, and whether you are a facility owner or a business owner and wants the best for the people that are housed in the facility, then making use of fogging service is vital and contact a professional team that offers fogging disinfection services 24×7, as this method is really useful to bring down the suspender bacteria and virus in places that are hard to reach as the mist will spread and settle down over a vast area and sterilize the area. Keep in mind that this is a sterilization process and not a cleaning method.