
5 Tips To Remove Paint From Windows

Painting your walls with a fresh coat of paint is necessary to keep that fresh look of your home. But no one can deny that it is a very messy business and despite every precautionary measure you take, paint spills are bound to happen. Refreshing the paint around your windows means there will be splatters on the window panes but these won’t go away with regular window cleaning techniques. While removing paint splatters from windows can be difficult, with the appropriate methods and equipment, you can make this difficult task simple.



With Vinegar

Fill a dish with one cup of white vinegar and heat it till it boils in a microwave. To protect your hands from the heat, put on a pair of thick rubber gloves, the dip an old rag into the solution. Use this cloth to rub the paint stains. For this method to work, you’ll have to apply a bit of elbow grease. The hot vinegar will assist in loosening the paint and frequently results in the paint coming off immediately.


Use A Glass Cleaner

To clean the window, use a glass cleaner and a clean cloth. This is an excellent additional measure if you discover that you still have soap and paint flakes left on the window. Wipe the cleaner away to complete the task with a clean rag or paper towels. After cleaning the window, if you discover that you missed a spot of paint, go back and repeat the scraping and soapy water steps until the area is clean. If you live on a rented property, it is important to make sure your windows are left in perfect condition. Before vacating, hire a good bond cleaning service to clean up everything for you.


Use A Razor Blade

Utilize a razor blade to scrape off as much paint as you can before applying your solvent. Mix together warm water and dish soap in a bucket till a sudsy mixture is formed. Spray your soapy water on the window thoroughly. Scrape the paint off gently while holding the razor blade at a 45° angle. When scraping, it’s important to make sure the glass and blade are both wet. Your window will be damaged if you use a dry blade on dry glass.


Use Nail Polish Remover

The solvent for this window cleaning technique is nail polish remover with an acetone base. Put on rubber gloves and increase ventilation by opening the windows and doors. Apply nail polish remover to a microfiber cloth and press this to the paint splatter. Scrub with the towel as soon as the paint begins to soften. With a moist rag, clean up all the residue. Apply glass cleaner at last, then use a fresh cloth to buff the surface dry.


Use A Masking Product

Modern products let you brush on a liquid masking layer that you can later peel off the glass, removing any errant brushstrokes in the process. Clean the glass and apply the liquid masking substance as directed by the manufacturer. Dry for the allotted amount of time. Paint the frame and let it dry. Using a utility knife, score the edges and peel the masking material off using your fingers. Thoroughly clean the glass once more with paper towels and glass cleaner.