
5 Tips To Remove Fingerprints From Glass

Despite your best efforts, your windows are eventually going to become dirty. The oils on your skin tend to transfer to glass. You risk leaving fingerprints on your windows every time you open and close them or move the drapes and blinds. You might also get smudges on your windows if your children frequently put their faces close to the glass. Cleaning your glass will help make your house look spotless. However, you should be cautious to clean your windows correctly. If you don’t clean carefully, you risk breaking your glass or making the smudge worse.



Use A Degreaser

Natural oils cover the surface of human hands. This means that washing those fingerprints on the window with normal water won’t get rid of them. Use cleaning supplies with an oil and grease removal function. By adding some dish soap or degreaser to one, you can attempt to make one yourself. Wipe off fingerprints and smudges by dipping the microfiber cloth into the liquid. Even greater results are obtained if you can get de-ionized water.


Squeegee The Window

For cleaning windows, you should always have a squeegee on hand because it is both incredibly useful and simple to use. If there are any lingering streaks or smudges after you’ve cleaned the fingerprints, a squeegee can help. After cleaning the fingerprints, wash the entire window in plain, hot water, and squeegee it. You’ll get a streak-free shine on your windows as a result, which will let natural light enter. If the windows of your rented house are full of streaks and fingerprint smudges, it can cost you your bond money. Hire a professional bond cleaning company to make sure your windows are spotless.


Clean With Vinegar

You most likely have vinegar in your cupboard for its many uses. Combine white wine vinegar and one gallon of water, then dip a sponge or cloth in the solution and use it to clean the glass. This will help remove any remaining prints. Prewash with very soapy water and then use the vinegar spray on really dirty glass. Try vigorously rubbing with a cloth dipped in undiluted vinegar if the windows still have lingering fingerprints.


Baking Soda

Bicarbonate of soda, popularly known as baking soda, is frequently praised for its numerous household cleaning applications. Due to its alkaline characteristics, which can dissolve organic substances like dirt and oil, it functions effectively as a base. Each baking soda particle’s mineral composition also acts as a mild abrasive that cleans without leaving any scratches. On a paper towel or wet dishrag, sprinkling a little baking soda will help. With the baking soda on the cloth, immediately clean the window.


Use A Solvent

You can clean with a solvent like acetone, rubbing alcohol, or mineral spirits if none of the preceding treatments was successful. These can be applied on a clean and dry microfiber cloth. Rub the cloth on the glass surfaces that require spot cleaning, but be careful not to get cleaners or solvents on the wood, fibreglass, or vinyl frames as these may fade the finish. Use with caution as they could damage the glass. Always clean the glass after use to get rid of all of the solvents.