
6 Simple Tips To Maintain Crib Mattress

Parents always want the best for their children, which is why they don’t skip anything when it comes to meeting their needs. One of the most important requirements for a growing child is sleep, which is why their crib bedding needs to be maintained in good condition for a long time. Your baby’s crib mattress needs to be cleaned regularly since newborns are more susceptible to illness and disease than toddlers. Regular cleaning is required for both the baby’s mattress and sheets, preferably every two weeks or so.



Buy A New Mattress

A cot mattress must sustain its firmness to give your baby the support their growing bones require. You can be sure that the sturdy cot mattress you buy will give your developing infant the support they require for many years to come. When buying a new cot mattress, there are other crucial aspects to take into account in addition to durability. Experts advise that cot mattresses should be firm, flat, and snugly fit the cot.


Use Mattress Pads

Waterproof mattress pad covers are a great way to make sure that no fluid that could harbour bacteria ever makes it to the surface of the mattress, resulting in less worry and cleaning on your part. The majority of mattress pad covers may be washed and dried in a machine, however, it is advised that you carefully read all manufacturer’s directions. Double layering the mattress cover pad is another excellent idea.


Clean Regularly

It’s important to regularly clean and sanitise your infant’s crib mattress every couple of weeks. Clean up spills and stains with a damp cloth, then vacuum up any debris or dust. To stop the growth of bacteria, mold, or mildew, quickly wipe up any spills following the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Your baby will breathe in fewer dangerous organic particles if you do this. It is also important to keep the surrounding areas clean, but it might be difficult while taking care of a newborn. You can always hire a reputed house cleaning service for help.


Rotate Frequently

You must regularly rotate the mattress if you want to keep its firmness uniform. This will stop the mattress from becoming worn and uneven. Additionally, by taking this precaution, you’ll prevent your child from sinking into the mattress, which could be a cause of SIDS. Naturally, turning the bed sometimes will also improve and maintain its level of comfort. As your child gets older, this will become more significant to him or her.


Store Them Carefully

When not in use, the crib mattress should be fully dried after being cleaned with a moist cloth, and then placed inside a plastic bag that completely encloses it. The mattress should be kept in a spotless, dry location on its edge or end with nothing pressed up against or on top of it. An ideal reusable bag is transparent, allowing sunlight to pass through.


Prevent Dust Mites

Dust mites are tiny insects that live in mattresses and eat the dead skin flakes that are shed. Considering how many allergies these organisms might trigger, great care must be taken to avoid them. You can do a lot of things, such as keeping the relative humidity below 50%, periodically airing out the mattress in the sun, and washing the baby bedding once a week in hot water.