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calander August 13, 2022
calander Admin

Mold in the bathroom will taint the appearance of the bathroom and spread a musty smell in the bathroom. The humid and moist atmosphere inside a bathroom creates a space where mold and mildew can grow easily if unchecked. This will start contaminating the whole bathroom slowly, this will cause a health hazard for the inhabitants. Exposure to mold in the bathroom can cause respiratory disorders, asthma attacks, and allergic reactions. We have made a checklist for you including tips to prevent mold growth in your bathroom.

Checklist for a Mold-Free Bathroom

Bathrooms provide an ideal environment for mold. The mold commonly found in bathrooms includes Alternaria, Botrytis, Trichoderma, Cladosporium, etc. The checklist for preventing mold is provided here. Take a printout of this checklist and use it to do things right.

Tips to prevent mold in the bathroom should be used regularly to avoid mold growth, this will help you keep your bathroom in perfect condition.

  • Turn on an exhaust fan
  • Open the windows during hot shower
  • Wipe water spilt in the floor
  • Don’t use carpets in the bathroom
  • Fix the leaks
  • Check for tile grout regularly
  • Use mold-resistant paints in the bathroom
  • Install a dehumidifier in the bathroom

By opening windows during the hot shower, the steam produced during the hot shower will flow out of the bathroom through the open window and this will reduce the chance for mold growth. Using carpets in the bathroom is very risky as they can trap moisture and also germs, these two together can develop mold really fast. Dehumidifiers are perfect for reducing humidity in areas that aren’t properly ventilated.

Getting Rid of Bathroom Mold

If you find mold in your bathroom, take care of it as soon as possible. A quick remedy will help you save a lot of money. This will also keep you and your family members from getting sick due to mold exposure. Removal of bathroom mold is easy if it’s minor, you can buy mold cleansers from the store and use them wisely to remove mold. But before starting the mold removal, make sure it won’t spread to any other areas by putting up a containment barrier. It should also be placed under negative air pressure, this will prevent mold spores from escaping. If the mold has already spread to a level that you can’t control, then it will be better to consult a mold removal expert.