Top 10 symptoms of termite infestation

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calander Apr 12, 2021
calander Admin

“Termites” are a regular problem found in homes. It can be seen anywhere, it is not limited to your house, but can also be seen in the garage or anywhere else. It’s a living creature that lives deep inside the furniture that is made of woods. They live as a colony and damage your property. Termites are attracted by the moisture, wood that is used for house foundation, etc. The damage that can be caused by the termites at home is very severe. Termites can spread very easily within a short period, and they can multiply fast which leads to infestation. So, we can say it’s really necessary to reach pest control services for our home. Having termite inspection at home is very helpful in making our home free from these termites.

What attracts termites to our house?

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The main factor that attracts termites inside the house is woods because people keep wood as a pile in their homes which helps termites to enter your homes. In addition to that termites are also attracted to the moisture, woods that are used in foundations split in building exteriors. The fusing of these factors attracts different species. Another factor is the geographic location. It plays a crucial role in attracting termites. Pests can be seen anywhere in homes like carpet, couches,curtains , etc so always do your best in keeping your house clean.

Evidence that helps you to identify termites in your home

  • Hollowed or Damaged woods: In homes, we can see many holes in the side of woods, it is caused by termites. They create holes by chewing the wood as they search for cellulose, which causes long grooves. As time passes by, the wood starts to weaken and damage the structures.
  • Blisters in Wood Flooring: Termites can also be found in floors, if we happen to see any discolored or drooping drywall, small pinpoint holes in drywall, hearing of hollow sound while tapping in woods.
  • Tunnels in Wood: It’s a type of termites that can be seen in woods in the shape of tunnels. If the tunnel is dry in contact we can assume that the termites are gone but there is no guarantee in it. If we break any section of the tube, we can see the active termites inside it.
  • Termite Dropping: When termites consume wood, they often leave droppings. These tiny particles indicate that termites are in your house. It is not harmful but cleaning should not be done by yourself and always seek professional help.
  • Drywood Termites: Drywood termites are different in size. They are three-eight of an inch long and usually pale brown in colour. They have a queen and once they find a good spot for their colony, they will lay eggs and after hatching the eggs it starts its work in damaging the wood. To control these termites, seek the help of pest management professionals. Cryptotermes brevis is an example of dry wood termites.
  • Subterranean Termites: These termites are usually found in undergrounds and they travel above the ground for the purpose of finding food. If there are any small gaps or holes in your foundations, they can easily enter inside your house. These tunnels can be brown, dry, and cylindrical.
  • White Ants: The white ants and termites are the same; people usually call them white ants due to the misinformation. If you see a damaged timber, then you can assure that there are termites inside it.
  • Misshapen Doors and Rigid Windows: Normally this happens due to climate change, but the presence of termites can also lead to misshapen doors and rigid windows. The dampness they produce while they eat results in this phenomenon.
  • Weak Floors, peeling paint: Termites get inside the wood and also leave their moisture behind. It not only affects the wood but also the paint. If your floor is slagging or the paint on your wall is peeling, bubbling, or cracking you might already be dealing with a serious termite infestation.
  • Head Banging: Quiet scratching sounds coming from your walls are one warning of termites. When the colony is disturbed, soldier termites bang their head against the wood or shake their bodies to alert other termites. Worker termites, the ones that love to eat your woodwork, are a noisy bunch. Termites can be heard munching away if you bring your ear close to infested wood.

What happens if you leave termites untreated? How long does it take to get rid of termites?

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Normally we do something to destroy these termites, but if we leave them untreated it can damage our house very badly which may lead to the collapse of the building. It can take up to 3 to 8 years for termites to damage your property depending on their colony size. So spotting them at the early stage helps us in termite extermination.

If we are seeking the help of professionals, termites get destroyed within a day or two. It can also take longer depending upon the infestation. Termites are active all the time, so termite prevention is a yearly process. However, the winter months are more appropriate for destroying it.


Termites are really bad for our house as they create damage to our property. Once the termite infestation occurs it is difficult to get rid of it completely. Homeowners try to get rid of the termites, but we may miss some spots, leading to forming another infestation. So always try to reach pest control agencies for house cleaning. They are professionals and know how to control it and destroy it with their finest equipment. If you ever spot termites in your house leave it untouched and avoid treating it with household fly sprays because if we do it incorrectly they move to another spot in your house and keep on damaging your property. So with all these facts, we can say that pest control is very necessary for our home.