How To Remove Blu Tack From Carpets

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calander July 28, 2022
calander Admin

The reusable Blu Tack is an ideal adhesive for tacking artwork to walls without drilling holes in them. Having this multipurpose putty around the house is great—until you drop it and have to remove the mess from a carpet. Accidentally treading on it pushes it into your carpets, where it adheres to the fibres making removal nearly impossible. It is preferable to get rid of the mushy material as soon as it touches your carpet or rug. Make an effort to get rid of as much glue as you can.

Ways to remove Blu Tack stains

Scrape it out

Blu Tack can be removed from carpets by acting quickly, as is the case with most stains or other problems. Use a spoon or dull knife to scrape out the Blu Tack as much as you can if it hasn’t already hardened to the carpet fibres. If it has hardened into the carpet, you shouldn’t attempt to remove it since you risk ripping the fibres out. Use a blunt knife or a fork but be careful not to pull at the carpet fibres.

Test the cleaning solution

Make sure you always test the cleaning solution on a hidden area of the carpet before using it on the stain. However, if you do not feel confident about doing so, you can always hire a reputed carpet cleaning service to do it for you.

Using vinegar

Blu Tack can be removed from a carpet with white vinegar. Apply the warm vinegar to the stain with a clean, white cloth after warming it on medium heat. If you give this 15 to 30 minutes, the stain should weaken and become soft enough to pull out. To clean the area, prepare a soapy solution by combining a few drops of dish soap with warm water. When done, rinse and dry the carpet.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil makes blu tack less sticky, which makes it easier to remove from carpets or rugs. It is the best choice, especially if you have tough, dried stains. Use a rag to dab the oil onto the blu tack stain, saturating the blob completely. Use a rough knife to gently scrape the loose lump off. Use some vinegar and baking soda to clean the area. You can use a soap solution on low pile carpets. Let the area dry and then vacuum.

Laundry detergent

Combine one cup of warm water and two tablespoons of mild detergent. Ensure that the detergent doesn’t contain any strong chemicals or bleach. Apply the solution to the stain with a cotton ball. Leave it alone for about 20 minutes. After that, place a dry cloth or towel over the blue tack stain and apply medium pressure. Use a moist towel to clean the stained area. Before vacuuming the carpet to fluff the fibres, let it dry thoroughly.

Apply heat

Apply your hairdryer’s highest steam setting for one or two minutes. If you have a low pile carpet, make sure there is at least 15 cm of space between the surface of the rug and the dryer. Gather the loosened debris using a sandwich bag. Keep heating the carpet as much as you can till the adhesive is completely removed. With a damp cloth or towel dipped in soapy water, remove any residue that remains.