Clean A Washbasin In 5 Easy Steps

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calander January 18, 2023
calander Admin

The bathroom sink collects all kinds of disgusting gunk. Throughout the day, toothpaste blobs, makeup spills, soap scum, hard water spots, and more can accumulate, causing some significant dirt that cannot simply be rinsed away. Additionally, it's a breeding ground for the most dangerous germs. Maintaining a spotless bathroom basin isn't as daunting as it might seem. However, there are a few methods you can employ to get rid of those pesky stains that accumulate over time and get spotless results. The best approach to cleaning your bathroom sink will vary depending on the material, so keep that in mind. If you cannot find the time for a deep clean, you can hire a dependable cleaning service to do it for you.

Cleaning bathroom sink

Rinse the sink

Start by pulling the plug shut and adding some vinegar and hot water to the basin. You can also use a non-abrasive cleanser and rinse the sink with warm water. To get rid of toothpaste and soap buildup, scrub with a sponge or a washcloth. Make sure the sides of the hot water get in contact with your cotton rag or sponge while you rub it around. Use the hot water to clean the faucet as well.

Identify stubborn stains

After rinsing the sink, look for any stains that may require more cleaning. Hard water stains and rust stains are common below the faucet and surrounding the drain, especially if you use well water. Both kinds of stains need a little extra work, but if you follow the directions carefully, they should be easy to remove. Spray a surface cleanser all over the basin's surface to help dissolve the filth, then let it sit for about 30 seconds before wiping it down with a clean towel.

Clean accessories

To give bathroom accessories such as toothbrush holders and soap dishes a thorough cleaning, it's a good idea to soak them in vinegar. The vinegar's smell will go away once it has dried. Vinegar can damage coloured porcelain surfaces and cause discolouration; so avoid using vinegar on such surfaces. Use some toothpaste in the crevices and an old toothbrush to scrub the caulking and sealant around your drains and fixtures.

Apply hydrogen peroxide

If there are more stubborn stains, you must apply a hydrogen peroxide solution to get rid of them. In the basin, arrange a few paper towels, then cover them with a mixture of one part water and one part hydrogen peroxide. After two to three minutes, remove the soggy paper towels from the sink and give it a thorough rinse. In addition to removing stains, hydrogen peroxide will help disinfect the sink.

Clean the stopper and drain

Take out the stopper and before replacing it in the drain, make sure to clean it thoroughly of any debris that has accumulated, and discard the debris in a bin. This will aid in preventing the accumulation of small pieces of debris in the drain. Maintaining a clean drain will also keep odours from building up in your bathroom. A smelly bathroom could be caused by bacteria in the drain, which could get worse over time.