6 Factors to ensure cleanliness and hygiene during the pandemic

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calander May 18, 2021
calander Admin

The pandemic that resulted from the huge wave of COVID 19 has hit every industry and economic strata really badly. But with the onset of the pandemic, something else that became primarily important and gained much attention and popularity is the importance of hygiene and cleanliness. People who were earlier quite sleazy to wash their hands or maintain clean interaction with people have now started to use sanitizers and wash their hands quite often. Cleanliness and Hygiene are suddenly getting the attention they deserved with the rise of COVID 19 cases.

At the same time, we are all aware of the fact that washing your hands often and using sanitizers frequently does not necessarily kill the virus. Soaps and sanitizers only help in washing away the COVID 19 causing the virus from staying on the surface of your hands. The virus is capable of living up to hours of fabric and other materials. This is why it is important to keep your surroundings equally clean and safe from the virus and not just your hands.

Maintaining your environment clean and safe is not something that should happen all at once one fine day. It is something that should be performed in stages one by one, targeting each area, developing an Operandi to deal with the issues in that particular area, and at the same time, preventing things from getting exposed or unclean. Sounds complicated? Well, actually you can easily maintain good health and hygiene by following six very simple to follow steps. These are like every drop of water that makes up a big ocean. Because calculated steps are what is going to save you from the pandemic.


Let us look at a few steps that can help ensure safety and cleanliness during the hard times of the outspread COVID 19 pandemic.

1. Maintain personal health and hygiene

The first and foremost thing that is to be taken care of and of great caution is to maintain utmost personal hygiene. Make sure to wash your hands and use sanitizers every time you touch any surface or interact with people. Remember to wear your masks correctly, if possible wear a pair of gloves and use a holder while touching any surface. Also, remember to take a bath every time you come back after going out.

2. Maintain Clean Working Place

Your workplace and office are definitely going to be a place that will have a lot more human interaction and therefore maintaining hygiene inside your office are of primary importance. One can make sure to maintain personal care and hygiene and at the same time try to clean and maintain your personal cubicle safe and sanitized. Convince your workmates to do the same because this will make the task easier. Since offices and workplaces are larger areas, always schedule regular office cleaning services at least once a month.

3. Pay attention to clean car upholstery

You might spend a lot of time traveling by your private vehicles, especially after the outbreak of the pandemic. Therefore it might even attract dust particles or particles that carry viruses when you step out. These will stick on to your upholstery or stay in your car which can be one way of a treat. Therefore always get a detailed car upholstery cleaning service twice a month or once a month.

4. Pay attention to home cleaning

Home cleaning is a very vital step in maintaining health and hygiene during the hard times of pandemic. Your residence needs to be clean and secure not just to prevent the occurrence of COVID 19, but also to make sure that your body stays fit and healthy. If your residence is not clean, it might create allergies and illness among family members, creating hindrances to maintain a healthy immune system.

5. Effective Laundry Cleaning

The covid virus-causing pathogens can live in fabric for a few hours. Therefore one should take extreme care and precaution while dealing with laundry. You will require extra caution because even when you are to wash the clothes, chances are that you get exposed to the virus. Simply carrying out laundry may not necessarily suffix, it is important to disinfect and sanitize your clothes. Therefore it is recommended that one opt for professional laundry and ironing services.

6. Control and Regulate Pest occurrence

Pests are always a menace no matter if it's the time of a pandemic or not. But we are never aware of the conditions these pests come from if they have been in and around the breeding grounds or if they bring in objects from outside to your residence and so on. Therefore, with pests going around on your premises, it is quite difficult to maintain hygiene and cleanliness. It is recommended that you resort to quality pest control service providers to fix these within the right time.


The spread of COVID19 is definitely an unfortunate event in history. But its widespread can never be controlled or prevented if people do not decide to practice the required measures. These steps will help make your environment a bit cleaner and uplift the hygiene standards on an overall scale. Apart from the steps and preventive measures mentioned in this article, remember to stay updated with all the official sources from governmental organizations and WHO. The health department of the Australian Government has listed out ways to maintain Hygiene and cleaning for the health workforce during COVID-19. By resorting to healthy practices, the right measures, and minimal social interaction, you can effectively stay away from the waves of the pandemic hitting you.