The best and most efficient cleaning services in Canberra.
Check out the expense-friendly cleaning services we offer!
Your landlord will be impressed by the pristine aura at home. The experts at Ozclean will not let you lose the bond money!
Dirty, sticky & stained carpets are professionally handled by our expert carpet cleaners.
Proficient cleaners at Ozclean will help retain the lustre of your luxurious upholsteries.
It’s time to say bye to the nasty pests around. Our professionals are skilled enough to tackle the infestation!
We provide a comprehensive range of cleaning services for both commercial and professional premises of all sizes, and we are available at all times of the year. We make certain to use the proper cleaning solution and cleaning procedures on each specific surface to avoid damaging it.
Pleased Customers
For both residential and commercial premises, we provide the best cleaning services in Newcastle. The best cleaning services at the most affordable pricing, with entirely customizable cleaning plans. Cleaning all the corners of the given place and leaving no place unattended too.
We don’t just clean, but also disinfect the place and make it healthy and look good.
You can clean your upholstery, curtains, mattress, and other items with our steam cleaning services.
Both the exterior and inside of your home are taken care of by us. We’ll clean the outside and fix any problems, as well as the insides.
We are here to provide all the care that your tiles need in Canberra. Apart from tile cleaning service, we also offer grout removal service in Canberra.
Here’s what our happy customers say!
Daniel Harris
“Punctual, customer-friendly and professional! The cleaning team did an excellent job and that’s why my house is spotless now. Highly recommended!”
Riley Samuel
“The cleaning professionals focused on every dirty nook and corner of my space. I’m pretty sure that my landlord will be impressed by the pristine aura!”
Bailey Thompson
“My house is back to shining & all the clutter is gone! The right professional attention made the cleaning twice easier. High satisfied!”