Top Things You Could Do With Vinegar That You Didn’t Know

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calander February 14, 2022
calander Admin

Vinegar is present in all households, is cheap, and is often for cooking. But, there are many other uses for vinegar that one doesn’t know. Vinegar can also be used as a good cleaning agent to remove mold and mildew and many more. It is really effective and safe and you don’t have to worry about damaging the surface or leaving any marks behind.

Top Things You Could Do With Vinegar That You Didn’t Know

1. Remove Mold and mildew

Vinegar is reflective when it comes to removing mold and mildew. Apply vinegar to the affected area, allow it to settle down, and then start scrubbing away. Remember to wear a mask and gloves. Do it for some time till the area looks clean. Vinegar can kill mold and mildew spores that are not visible to the human eyes, something that bleach cannot do.

2. Useful To Remove Burnt Food

Be it on a frying pan, cooker, glass, or cup anywhere, it doesn’t matter, vinegar will help to remove the burnt food and stains, Simply apply the vinegar to the affected surface, give it some time, and then the burn and sticky food would start coming loose and just rinse it away with water.

3. Drainage Problems

In order to clean the drain that is slow or noisy, you are going to need a combination of bleach, vinegar, and hot water. Pour the bleach first then vinegar and in the end hot water. Remember that after adding the hot water it would start to form a foamy layer that scones through the drain opening, but don’t worry it will settle down and go away. In a matter of a few hours, the drain will be unclogged.

4. Remove Water Rings

Not all of us use a coaster every single time we drink tea and coffee and the chance of leaving behind water rings on the surface is always high. So in order to effectively remove the water ring stains just wipe it off with vinegar and finish the cleaning by wiping it off with water.

5. Remove Carpet Stains

As you may have understood by now, vinegar is really good at removing stains. So if you have carpets that are stained, make a cleaning solution of vinegar and table salt and rub the carpet. As with all cleaning procedures allow it time to settle down to break the bonds of the stain. Do it till you are happy with the process and slowly wipe away the excess mixture with cold water. If the stain is so hard to come off then you should reach out to the carpet cleaning experts like Ozclean to make your carpet fresh and clean.

6. Clean Your Microwave

The microwave, the interior of the microwave also needs cleaning from time to time to remove any sort of odors, and with vinegar, it is really easy to do. Place a bowl half-filled with water and ¼ vinegar and heat the mixture for a good five minutes. If they are stains inside the microwave just use a sponge or a microfiber cloth and wipe it away with the help of the mixture.


These are the ways in which you can use household vinegar. Vinegar is acidic in nature and that acidity allows it to be a really good cleaning agent without any adverse side effects to the surface that it is applied and also to the physical person. Even if you use more than the needed vinegar solution no harm is going to happen apart from the acidic smell it will leave behind. If you have a blocked drain, burnt food stains, water rings, or carpet stains get the vinegar and start cleaning right away. Remember to wear a mask, gloves, and goggles.