6 Cleaning Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Carpets

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calander July 09, 2022
calander Admin

Carpets, when properly cared for, will last a long time. When ignored, they can become unsightly and a possible health hazard to the residents. Many conventional household carpet cleaning procedures that are available online can actually harm your carpet rather than preserve it. The internet has no idea what kind of environment your carpet is in, how old it is, how much wear and tear it has endured, etc.

Common mistakes that ruin your carpets

Using too much water

Water can remove stains from your carpets effectively when combined with a good chemical cleaning agent. When it comes to cleaning, though, too much of it might be harmful. Using excessive amounts of water ruins the adhesive that holds the rug in place and allows mold to grow. Using too much water can be expensive in some situations because it causes the stain to spread outwards, resulting in a larger patch of damage. Only use a small amount of water, and make sure your rug is completely dry before reinstalling it.

Vigorous scrubbing

Using a little force to remove a stain is the best method for some cleaning procedures, but too much elbow grease is bad for carpets! Carpet fibres are tough and long-lasting, but they’re still exceedingly thin and weren’t designed to withstand heavy wear. Scrubbing a stain vigorously can damage the carpet fibres, and in certain situations, you may even be rubbing the stain into the carpet fibres! Rather than cleaning, you should wipe the spot with a clean, white rag. Blotting the stain helps the rag to absorb it without hurting the carpet.

Carpet deodorizer

Spraying cans of scented spray or using inexpensive powder deodorizers may seem like good ideas when you’re in a hurry, but they’re incredibly corrosive and can damage your carpets over time. The hazards range from colour fading to bleaching your prized handmade rug. Steamers, on the other hand, are quite effective in quickly removing stains and odours. Although you will still need to clean the rug with good soap and water, this is a much better option than using deodorizer.

Not cleaning regularly

Carpets benefit greatly from regular maintenance. You risk accumulating tough to remove stains and dirt if you put off cleaning for too long. Not only will oil and dirt make your carpet seem worse over time, but it will also harm the carpet fibres, leading them to wear out prematurely. Vacuuming removes these particles while also renewing the carpet’s loft, ensuring that it remains soft and fluffy. Vacuuming your carpet on a regular basis will not only keep it looking excellent, but it will also extend its life!

Leaving spills untreated

Allowing stains to set increases the risk of a permanent stain. In certain situations, the liquid may seep into the carpet base, resulting in odours that are difficult to remove and fungal growth. Blot up whatever has been spilled and remove as much moisture as possible. This may spare you from having to undertake a deep clean later, or the work will be easier if one is required.

Not seeking expert help

Regular carpet maintenance is crucial, but it’s no alternative to professional deep cleaning. Only a professional carpet cleaner has the tools and knowledge to ensure that your carpet is fully cleaned and in good condition.

We offer one of the finest carpet cleaning services in Sunshine Coast. Our 24×7 customer care is ready to meet your needs based on your convenience. You can also make use of our well organised bond cleaning, house cleaning and other budget friendly cleaning services as required.